Week Four - Fire
Do I give myself Permission?
Practice for the week of the fire:
This is about self inquiry, connecting with your inner power and choosing what you allow into your reality. Creating safety and having a choice.
a) define your field
b) choice: if something is not yours, revoke permission to have it in your field.
Step 1: Awareness
Where do I not feel fully myself? Where am I hiding or playing small? Where am I feeling not sovereign and not powerful?
How does this make me feel?
How does it show up in my body?
What is the impact on my self-worth, self-esteem? And in my life in general?
If I continue doing this, what will I create?
Step 2: Discernment
What is it exactly that I am doing that makes me act this way?
What is powering my behavior? Is this a conscious choice, or a subconscious pattern? What story am I writing with my behavior? Does it serve me?
Step 3: Permission
What would my powerful sovereign self do differently? How can I put that into action? What do I need to stop doing? What do I need to start doing?
What is the best way forward?
Take this week to reflect on these questions above and share your reflections in a video with us in the group.
Good luck dear ones

Cellular healing prayer
Do this process for 21 days in a row, without skipping any days. If you miss a day during the first 11 days, start over. If you miss a day in the last half, add on extra to the 21. It is important to do the process for 21 days to ensure that the energy shift happens on the cellular level and is consistent (science says it takes the brain approximately 21 days to rewire, that’s why).
It doesn’t matter if you do the prayer every day at the same time or not – any time and schedule goes as long as you continue for 21 days in a row.
For the 21 days process, please do your best to have some free time to integrate – get enough sleep, eat healthy food, exercise, and plan in some “white space” to just be.
The following ritual is recommended to support the process:
Create a quiet and conscious environment. Light a candle, call on your spiritual helpers and your Higher Self for assistance.
Focus your energy with breathing.
Read the text below mindfully and consciously, letting the words sink in.
I am calling upon my higher self, source, the benevolent forces of this universe, my Spirit Guides, Light beings, protectors and angels, teachers and masters of the subtle realm that are working on my behalf to enter this space and be my witnesses.
In the name of Love, for the sake of Truth, from my I AM Presence –
I herewith request a dispensation of Divine Grace and execution of Karmic Justice for my ultimate liberation, on all dimensional levels, through all versions of space and time, for all of my energy bodies and all of my past, present, future, parallel lifetimes, effective immediately.
I command to be released completely and forever from any and all contracts, agreements, vows, oaths, obligations, pacts, bindings, and other arrangements (known and unknown, seen and unseen) that are holding me back from standing in my full power and speaking my full truth.
I herewith revoke, rescind, render void and renounce any and all such arrangements between me and any other entity, group, or institution, including the ones that are perceived as irrevocable. I am no longer available for these arrangements and I am no longer choosing to maintain them. I declare myself fully and unconditionally free.
I command to be unplugged completely and forever from any and all thought forms, emotional states, behaviors and energy imprints of dimming my light, hiding, tuning myself down, disowning my power, and all related imprints and programs.
I command to be liberated completely and forever from all imprints and programs that are holding me in fear of rejection, fear of persecution, fear of abandonment, fear of being killed for who I am, and any other related unconscious fears, emotions, and mental states.
I herewith let go of any attachment to these mechanisms, revoke my consent to have them in my system, and release them to be cleared, completely, permanently, in totality. I command them to be gone from my system and I herewith seal all points of access with purest healing Light.
I command a complete cellular restoration of my physical and ethereal DNA to the state of courage, sovereignty and absolute alignment with my purest essence and Light.
Herewith I am making a new Soul level agreement:
I claim my highest life purpose, my Soul gifts, my truth, my power, and my role in this world. I activate the dormant light codes in my DNA, and switch on my inner light to the fullest.
I declare that is safe for me to be me. It is safe for me to live and share my truth.I accept the immediate and the long-term positive effects of this activation.
It is done, it is done, it is done.
And so it is.