Week Two - Water
"Beyond the Words"
Exercise for the week is in pairs: this weeks exercise is to be done in pairs. the exercise is about whats Beyond the words while feeling deeply. one is sharing and the other listens and reflects back to the one who shares.
As a Speaker:
Take a moment to connect with your heart and make a direct connection with your higher self.
Then, start sharing from your heart with the listener for 2-3 minutes.
As a Listener:
listen deeply. Sense how your body reacts to the words while you listen to the one who is sharing.
Notice how the words feel in your body , especially notice if there is a feeling of alignment between what is said and how it feels, in other words, pay attention if you can "hear" something beyond the words.
As a Listener:
Reflect to the speaker exactly what they where saying but use use your own words. Also share what you felt beyond the words that where shared.
Share any insights you might have.
you can start your reflection by saying "When you said ... I felt ___"
As a Speaker:
Share how you felt receiving the reflection, does it resonate with you ? did you learn something about yourself through the reflection?
Tell the listener " How seen you felt " by them .